Friday, August 16, 2013

Not for the faint of heart

I had heard some raves about this book from people I trusted so I decided I needed to read it for myself. The "daddy" issue and the age difference are easily a turn off when reading the synopsis but please don't let your normal reaction to those subjects turn you off of reading this book!

At the idea of a 19 year old girl and a 35 year old man my first reaction was...

The writing of N.J. Cole is exceptional enough that you really don't think about those things until they are pointed out to you...the characters are meant to be together. No matter the difference you know that Kenzie is the woman that Max has been waiting for. His perfect match.

My only problem is that I wish there were more! You are not left with a (dreaded)cliffhanger but like any author worth her salt Cole leaves her reader wishing for another story! So much more to tell! 4.6 solid stars for this awesome read!!!! Can't wait to see what else she will do!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Trying new things!

I've been thinking about blogging for a while now...I even have another blog that I have done for my travels. Mostly talking about Ireland :) The thing I've discovered about blogging that is so difficult is that I am WAY funnier in person! I don't know if it's the hand gestures, or maybe I can see how people react to my awesomeness but blogging is HARD! I know one blogger (who shall totally be named because she is feckin' amazeballs) who makes it seem so easy! How Tanya can run a blog, work, be a mother, a girlfriend, a beta reader, a possible ninja, and the million other things that make up a day is beyond me! I sometimes feel maxed out at the two jobs and school.

Link to Best Blog in the WORLD

Kindlehooked is mostly about books, but also a lot of author promotion (which as a pimp I highly approve of) and giveaways because Tanya likes to spread the awesome around! There are only three blogs that I make sure I click every single day: one I've already linked and the other two have nothing to do with books...unless you count pimping their own!
The Bloggess
Hyperbole and a Half

I have already forgotten the point of this post and really need to go to bed! So hope everyone reads everything written on those three blogs (please give special love to the Alot).

Night, bitches! <3 br="">

Holy Hot Bikers, Batman!!!

I have read Crystal's work before with Talania, and I loved it! This book is NOTHING like that! Seize Me is raw and gritty and a fast paced thrill ride of a book! I had a hard time putting it down to do real life stuff!

I got this book this morning and just finished! It would have been quicker but work got in the way. If you love a good MC book then this is a must read! But be warned...Crystal includes a warning at the beginning that some scenes may be offensive to some people. In my opinion the news can be offensive...nothing occurred in this book that does not happen in real life. And to me that is the mark of a great author. One who is not afraid of showing the scary side of life. Sure we all want a HEA but it's not always a path filled with sunshine and roses to get there.

Braxxon and Winter aren't perfect...far from it, but that is one of the things that makes them so awesome. They face Hell and come out the other side. Bad things happen but they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and move the feck on.

This is going to be a series (the end of the book offers a sneak peak to the next one) and I cannot wait to get my grubby little hands on it! I need more of the Breakneck MC.

I require good books like I require oxygen...and this is a feckin' amazing book! This is in the top 20 of the books I've read so far in 2013! I'm not sure if 5 stars is enough! Crystal Spears is now one of my main girl crushes! <3 nbsp="" p="">
Seize Me (Breakneck Series)

Shannon Callahan is my bitch!

Faith, Honor & Freedom

Weston Hoss is everything you could ever desire in a hot police detective. Shannon hit another one out of the park...I did NOT want to put this book down! Drama, suspense, and love...a hot alpha male and a woman who knows how to stand up for herself! Family, honor, and loyalty are the most important things to out characters. Hoss is even willing to make himself miserable in order to keep his word to his best friend.

"Lana, I meant every word I said. Every fucking word. I've been in love with you since before I even knew what love meant. You taught me what it meant to want someone, to care for someone so fucking deeply that it physically hurt to not be near you. I've never stopped loving you ... not for a second"

Shannon Callahan has seriously made it onto my list of massive girl crush! She has made her way into my top 10 authors! I highly recommend that everyone read this book! Even if you've never read Hell, Fire, & Freedom (which you should also do RIGHT NOW) you can get into this book! Though there is a bit of character crossover this book can be read as a stand alone. And again there is no cliffhanger though there will be at least one more book in the series!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Free and 99 penny books on Amazon

Free Reads
Significance  by Shelly Crane
Textual Encounters by Morgan Parker
Surrender Melody Anne

 99 Penny Reads
Irreparably Broken by K.J. Bell
Possess Slowly Shattered-Series by Joya Ryan
Call Me Crazy by Quin Loftis
Savor You by Emily Snow

Just because it's free doesn't mean it's worth it

Quinn hasn't had an easy life. Her mother was killed in a car accident when she was just a baby and her father was found murdered with unexplained bite marks on his body. The only person she had left was her sister... that is until her evil step mother took her away leaving Quinn alone in a massive house.
Enter Senior year and Kaden Webb. He is dangerous and Quinn is immediately drawn to him. Her best friend Breanna doesn't like him and thinks she should be with someone like Justin Keto, her long time crush. Quinn finds herself torn between the two boys until Justin makes the first move and asks her to the homecoming dance. Here she finds out that nothing in her life has been what it seemed...including Justin and Kaden.
Turns out Quinn is a werewolf and Justin is destined to help her lead the pack as her mate. As if that weren't enough to deal with, both Kaden and Justin must move in with her for safety's sake. Theirs and hers. It's a good thing that two jealous werewolves in love with her and living under the same roof is the least of her problems right?

I personally find it hard to resist a free read, and I have found quite a few amazing authors by the power of one-click! I saw this on several facebook pages and thought it sounded good and was free so I was all over it like a tattoo on Daniel Conn. It is a good storyline...sadly it was destroyed by a complete lack of care on behalf of the author. It looks like it was never proof-read or edited. Not only is it full of spelling and grammar errors but the continuity was off in a few locations and there were a lot of sentences that just made no sense. 

I finished it because it wasn't the characters fault that their creator treated them poorly, but even when something horrible happened in the story I couldn't bring myself to get too upset by it. The scenes were choppy and it felt like it was just thrown together to get something published. I decided not to leave a review on amazon because I hate leaving poor reviews, but I did make a point to comment on a review that someone left. Any review I would leave would have mirrored theirs and been redundant. 

1 star book....possibly 2 stars if you give extra points for a good idea.

You can never have too many rockers!!

Terri Anne Browning can do no wrong! Each book in this series is better than the one before! Drake broke my heart and made himself my #1 Demon! <3 br=""> I don't remember how I happened upon the first book in this series but I loved it from the first page! This is the third one and with each one I find myself even more in love with Demon's Wings! Nik, Jesse, Drake, and Shane are one of my top favorite bands....fictional or real! You can't go wrong with Terri Anne Browning's books.

In the first two books you get that Drake had some trauma in his past that made him behave the way he does but even if you have an idea you don't know the extent of it. I love him with Lana, I don't know if anyone else could have helped heal his broken soul.

Another 5 star book! 
Click here to purchase!